Great Summer Promotion!!
adding dimension to your brand
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
It's Super Cup!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
News interview!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Foldable Water Bottle!
I remember back in January I made the prediction that the foldable water bottles were going to be “THE” hot product for 2011 and I was right! I love the concept of a bottle that is foldable! Plus it comes with a carabiner already attached.
This product is great for Campers, Hikers, Runners and it is perfect as a mail piece to help promote an outdoor event or race!! With it being such a versatile item, the applications are endless...pretty much if you're outside and you works! It’s light weight and compact and holds 25 oz. of your favorite beverage!
You have two different options with branding the Foldable Water Bottle. Either side is available to you with a 3” x 2” imprint area, although the price only includes a one color imprint on one side.
For more information on how you can promote your Brand Identity on one of 2011’s hottest products, please feel free to contact me!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Why I wear my Yellow Bracelet “Lessons on Life from a Two Year Old Angel” by Jimmy Furman
Find joy in the simplest of things.
Sam loved action (I wonder where he got that from). He would squeal and giggle while running through the house when we would play Karen's version of tag known as “I'm gonna getcha!” The payoff was being showered with hugs and kisses once caught. Or if he was upstairs with Will he found great joy tossing toys over the safety gate and down the stairs. We'd hear “skubida, boom, boom, boom, crash... hee hee hee” often followed by an amused big brother say unconvincingly “Nooo Sam Sam!” which only made Sam laugh harder. A happier child I don't think I've ever known.
Never miss an opportunity for adventure.
Sam liked to explore the world so much we should have named him Columbus. At the “Little Gym” when other kids were lining up for the next exercise, Sam would wander off and be found checking out a piece of equipment, closely studying it like some sort of engineer. Sure, tumbling was fun, but a load bearing concentric cam, now that was cool!
At home, if he had an opportunity to do so, he would jet out the front door and head for the playground, which would've been fine if he bothered to take us along, but a parent's concern is just about the last thing on a two year old's mind. Besides, it's more fun to try and sneak out anyway. Once at the playground, if big brother could do it, then by golly Sam could too. His favorite thing was the swing, followed by the slide, the see saw, the climbing block, a big rock over here, a tree over there, then maybe a quick cruise through the yard to go check out Daddy's truck. He was all boy. Sam's world was a sampler platter, with everything deserving at least 5 seconds of his attention.
When we'd come home in the van and let him out, he didn't want to go right in; no, he would sprint across the cul-de-sac with Daddy and Will in tow, to go check out our neighbor Bob's basketball goal (never mind he was 8 feet short of the rim and didn't bring a ball). To Sam, that goal was the most interesting thing on the block.
If the inside gate at the bottom of the steps was left unlocked, Sam was up the stairs faster than you could say “Honey, where's Sam?” If he heard Karen coming for him he'd wait about three steps up, looking back with a sheepish grin, body positioned for a futile attempt at escape. I'd hear Karen say “Sam Furman, now what do you think you're doing?” followed by a giggle from Sam, then a “no, no, no!” as he tried to make a run for it, laughing and shrieking happily as he was caught and given a minimum of half a dozen kisses.
Love everyone unconditionally.
Sam loved everyone. He had an unbridled enthusiasm and joy when he would see us, running up for a big hug like we were some sort of lucky winners of an unconditional love lottery, which of course we were. He would give that big hug with a comical “ohhh”, a term of affection that he picked up from Karen's doting. He would then look at us smiling and announce to everyone in the house: “Daddy, Nonny (Sam's version of Mommy) and Wee-ull.” “You mean Will?” “Wee-ull!” “O.k.!” We all found it so amusing that his big brother's name was said with such an inexplicable southern drawl. After this he would hop down and scamper off to find Will just as fast as he could. This happened about 400 times a day and it never got old.
Sam even loved our cat, Kibu known by friends and family by many other names, most of which can't be said in a church. He would chase her around the house joyously saying “Hi Kibu Cat, meow meow” and she would do her best to get away.
Always have a thirst for knowledge.
Sam was so active early on that I used to say “Will's our rocket scientist and Sam's our explorer.” But despite his need for action he absolutely loved books. We had a stack of books next to the bed and if the house was quiet, we knew Sam was reading. People asked me what his favorite toy was and I couldn't name one, because while toys were fun, books were better. It would appear we had two rocket scientists in the family, the intelligence coming from Karen's DNA I have no doubt. Sam had a curiosity that exceeded his years. We should all look at the world with such a need to know and understand.
So look at us celebrate Sam's life and mourn our loss...
We've been blessed by an incredible amount of love and support from our dear friends and family, though a friend informed me we have no friends, just one big family.
Love is what has brought us together...and love is what will get us through this time of great sorrow.
People ask us what they can do for us, trying to ease our pain, though we know it's not ours alone. Here's our answer to the question: Let us honor Sam's life and his unbelievable heart by doing our best to live the way he did. Find joy in the simple things. Relish the chance to take on new challenges and adventures. Always seek to know and understand the world around us. Love everyone, forgive instantly, and when in doubt, know that a big smile followed by hugs and kisses can make just about anything better.
Sam's life and love was a gift to us all, and though we've complained to management about how brief our time with him was, we thank God for sending us our boy and HIS love will be ours forever.
Thank You.
BWT Beach weekend
Monday, March 7, 2011
Earth Day!! Another How Did They Think Of That Product!!
Anyway, this time I want to tell you about Paper Rocks! Its paper made from rocks. This is about as eco-friendly as you can get! The stone/rock paper is actually made from TerraSkin which is Cradle to Cradle certified! TerraSkin is a combination of mineral powder which is held together with a non-toxic resin.
The product is:
- Tree Friendly
- Water Friendly
- Bleach Free
- Water Resistant
- Tear Resistant
- Anti-Bacterial
- 50% less energy is used in the making of the product
- Zero Water Pollutants
- Less Air Pollutants
- Less Solid Waste
This is a perfect Earth Day give away item.
I'm expecting my sample pack to arrive any day now so I'll let you know what I think of product quality in another post.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Keeping Your Four Legged Friends Hydrated!!!
This bottle is perfect for her!! Plus it's BPA free!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Ultimate "To-Go" Cup
They look just like a clear plastic to-go cup but they are acrylic.
• BPA free
• Eco-friendly because they are reusable
• Double walled
• Sealable lid
• Acrylic straw that has an adjustable stopper on the end to ensure that it doesn’t come out when the lid is screwed on.
These are NOT dishwasher safe or microwavable.
Hand wash only with warm soapy water.
These cups are perfect for large corporations or facilities that have in house cafeterias and spend a ton of money for throwaway cups. Now I’m sure they’ll still have to purchase the throw way cups but having something like this will cut the cost down, I believe, by a significant amount.
Other establishments that could benefit are: Restaurants, hospitals, sporting events, country clubs, high schools, colleges, etc, etc, etc.
They could even be a client appreciation gift. You could insert a card and even a little packet of lemonade to say “thank you very much for the business and I value the relationship that we have developed over the years …MTO clients…I wonder if you’re going to receive one…hhmmm?
If you would like to receive more information on these AWESOME cups please let me know!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Paper Made Of Poo...Really I'm not joking!!!
A lot all of them have been show casing the latest and greatest eco-friendly, foldable and reusable bags...some pens...but the one I received yesterday was one that I'm just not sure about.
My first impression was EEEWWWW...second impression was GROSE...and third impression is just WHY?
OK here it is (giggle, giggle) Elephant Poo Poo Paper! Yes folks, someone has actually made paper out of Elephant Poo. See you're asking yourself why too aren't you!
The notebooks come in 3 different sizes and in the description they actually make a point to say that it is "Odorless"...really? See to me that means that when this item first hit the market and people first laid hands on it, they were lifting it up to their noses to see if it smelled, so much so that they felt they had to note that in the description of the item. AND probably because it has Poo in the name.
Also noted is that because of the fibers used in the process of making the paper that "no two notebooks are exactly alike". I guess it depends on whether the poo in question was collected from an elephant that has a high fiber or protein diet. (Sorry I had to go there :-))
Where do they get the poo you ask your self?...well it is collected from various Elephant Conservation Parks and is boiled and cleaned and processed into a pulp (still grose). A good thing is that a portion of the proceeds do go to benefit elephant welfare and conservation products. Well of course it need to protect the source of the poo empire!
I don't know, I guess it's a good thing because it's one less tree that is chopped down and they are giving some of the money back to help protect these animals...but its still Poo!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Reality of Promotional Products
Promotional products should be a reflection of you and your brand. Choosing the right promotional item(s) that tie into your event or branding strategy is something that most marketing departments think about but sometimes never follow through on.
Let’s use pens for example. The only time a company should give away a pen, in my opinion, is as a throw away gift. By that I mean as a giveaway item that just sits out for everyone to get their hands on...because we all know that everyone loves free stuff. But if your message is of another nature such as being "Eco-Friendly" then you should spend a little more to invest in an "Eco-Friendly" pen and I don't mean the kind that is made of card board. I mean the ones that are made from Corn Plastic and are 100% Biodegradable.
This is an option that a motivated and knowledgeable Promotional Professional, such as myself, would know to ask, suggest and provide.
Now...for the nitty griddy down and dirty facts:
1. More than HALF of consumers are impressed with an advertiser on a promotional product, versus 33% of print, 27% for TV and 11% for online advertisers
2. 20% of consumers make a purchase after receiving a promotional product, versus just 7% who do so after seeing a commercial
3. 74% of consumers can recall the advertiser and product/service/message featured on a promotional product, versus 60% of TV commercials, 55% for print ads and 29% of online ads.
4. 8 out of 10 people like receiving promotional products while 7 out of 10 people find online advertising to have a high annoyance factor
5. 9 out of 10 people own a promotional product
6. This one I think is the most important one to remember...7 out of 10 people keep their product if they can use it.
**the above statistics were based on How the Media Compare on Reach, Recall & Reaction and Effectiveness of Promotional Products As An Advertising Medium - a 2009 two-part study conducted by PPAI Research and Fielding through MarketTool, Inc.
My goal is to position myself as an extension of your marketing department and to be available for banter back and forth about what would work best for your ultimate goal. I'm not saying you have to listen and take my advise but at least take note...this is what I do...and what I love doing!
Monday, January 18, 2010
New Foldable Tote Bag!!!
I saw quite a few new items that I will be sharing with you guys over the next few days.
Here is one of the items I found. This is a Foldaway Tote Bag. I do like that it folds up into itself for easy storage. It is perfect as a giveaway at sporting events...compact enough to be tossed up into the stands and light enough that it won't injure anyone in the process.
•Pack it in with this fun, unique tote that's perfect for the grocery store or farmers market
•Tote folds into a carrying pouch with drawstring
•18" shoulder straps
•PVC free
•When folded, pouch dimensions approx: 5"H x 12" dia
•This product is kid-friendly/CPSIA compliant
Contact me for additional information and pricing!!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Vegas Baby!!
The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI for short) show in Vegas is my target destination and is the BIGGEST show of the year.
Two floors of smooshed in vendors, isle #'s that ran horizontally at one point but switch and start to run vertically, rolling brief cases and boxes with wheels whose sole mission is to trip you while you are looking up to find which isle you are on, and where the products are screaming "Look At Me"..."Look At Me"...whooo my head is spinning just thinking about it!
Given all of the obstacles and sore feet...I Love It!
I absolutely love the challenge that is the PPAI show. I say challenge because there is so much stuff and everyone has something new and exciting to show you! Picture a department store where the perfume counter stretches the length of 5 football fields and every 5 feet or so there is a perfume girl there saying, "can I spray you"...but instead of perfume it is some new techy gadget, or desk top toy, or new eco-friendly do-dad.
Having a plan is a must!
In my case I talk to my customers about what their upcoming needs may be and I plan accordingly. Mapping out your plan of action is a must at this show cause there is soo much to see. Usually the last day is the day that I end up just wondering around to see all the vendors that weren't on my list.
It truly is a great show for me to attend...It's like a treasure hunt and the treasure is finding the perfect items for your customers!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Holiday Pen that you won't want to put down!!
I had (and unfortunately I stress had) a sample of the Holiday Light Pen and LOVED it!! This is one of those pens that if someone wanted to barrow it, you would get their driver’s license number, social security number and the rights to their first born child, if they didn’t return it, kind of pen! I know it doesn’t look like much but as soon as you bang it, slam it, tap it or hit it, it lights up. It doesn’t blink for long, probably only about 10 seconds…maybe. It’s kind of like a holiday stress reliever of sorts. Just slam it when you feel frustrated or stressed out from all of the holiday running around and happy holiday blinking light will instantly melt your stress away. Well, maybe not…but it is fun to whack on stuff so it will light up!
I can see co-workers running around their offices now banging each other on the head with their new Holiday Pens (reminds me of that song “Little Bunny Foo Foo”, “Poof your a Goof”). Heck if you don’t want to use it take it home and put it in your little ones stocking. I’m sure they’ll thoroughly enjoy chasing around the family pet, siblings or maybe you, just to make this pen light up.
Seriously, it is a fun and inexpensive way to say thank you to your employees and to your customers.
Contact me today for pricing…trust me you won’t regret handing this one out at your holiday party.
Minimum qty is 250 pcs and pricing will include a 1 color/1 position imprint.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
MadeToOrder Reusable Grocery Tote...not just for groceries
On a recent trip to
For the past 7 years in a row, right before my step-son goes back to school, we arrive promptly at Turner Field just in time to stand in line and wait for the gates to open. So you see, when I say a day at the park…I mean a day at the park.
With being there from the time the gates open to the time the game ends, you need to make sure you are prepared. For example, you have to have sunscreen. Applying before you leave the hotel is a good idea but after sitting in the hot sun all day long you will need to reapply. Ponchos, checking the weather before you leave is good idea but remember you are in the South and unexpected thunder boomers are well, expected. The camera, used for capturing the all important family moments. Koozies/Can holders, the players in the tight white pants are suppose to be hot, but not my adult beverage…or Soda for the underage. And of course the piece
And you ask yourself…”
If you don’t have a Reusable Grocery Tote that has your company’s logo and message supplied to you by MadeToOrder, well now, you need to give me a call!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Customer Experience: Roots And Reasons
Customer Experience: Roots And Reasons
by Ron McCulloch
Attentive service combined with well-planned and executed operations foster positive customer experiences, which in turn yield loyalty and increased customer lifetime value. However, these results do not come from simply desiring them. They require focus and intentionality to achieve.
In his manifesto, Bruce Temkin asserts, “Great customer experience is not only free, it is an honest-to-everything profit maker...if you concentrate on improving customer experience, you can very likely increase your profits.” [1] This assertion has inspired healthy debate, and in some cases may foster deeper understanding of principles, behaviors and outcomes of cultivating truly outstanding customer experiences.
For many consumers, price is the primary driver for purchasing decisions. However, people usually have a choice of where to buy nearly everything, whether goods or services. One or two negative encounters may not drive away a customer forever, but people tend to find or even create alternatives when faced with consistently poor experiences.
Regarding whether customer experience is truly free, people who interact directly with customers sometimes have to sacrifice their own time for this cause. The advantage, though, is that such extra-mile efforts often have enduring effects on customer retention. In the near term there may be costs, especially in the form of time, but such investments often yield desirable long-term returns.
Even without measuring customer satisfaction, managers often can easily see who is exerting effective efforts to enhance customer experience if they pay attention and are not too inwardly focused. It makes sense to reward and invest in these people — openly. This is a simple way to reliably communicate a customer-centered organization's values.
Excellent service, inviting environment and skillful execution all enhance customer experience. This cultivates satisfaction. Satisfaction begets loyalty. Loyalty begets referrals, reputation and retention. All three Rs are beneficial, but the merits of retention are quantifiable by way of customer lifetime value: a customer's income generating potential. This principle underscores the difference between the costs of acquiring versus retaining customers. When you can bring such a concept to life on a profit and loss projection, that idea merits close attention.
Root Causes
Regardless of how dedicated staff may be to creating exceptional experiences, delivering desirable results on an ongoing basis requires consistent executive commitment and involvement. Lip service is not enough; the underlying causes and activities must be intentional. This requires serious strategic thinking and planning, as well as communication and feedback mechanisms. Excellence in customer-facing processes is not accidental.
One useful route to improving customer experience is to allow staff creative freedom to improve internal effectiveness. When processes happen more quickly and accurately, customers often greatly appreciate the results. This approach can also cultivate a sense of personal ownership and motivation. Innovations that create value in this way can dramatically improve short-term satisfaction and longer-term retention.
To reliably deliver positive customer experience, consistent, timely follow-through is paramount. If you communicate openly with your customers, they tend to be more willing to forgive minor shortcomings. With this, it is important to be forthright about any missteps that affect customers and to make things right with them. Often, openness combined with persistent effort to satisfy carries greater weight than flawless performance.
Educating and coaching employees in customer service principles is another important element. One key to that education is reassurance that the company will not retaliate for employees' mistakes along the way. This reassurance must take not only the form of verbal or written messages, but manifold examples of consistent, reinforcing behavior. Historically, employee experiences in this vein range from peers and supervisors closing ranks to help solve serious problems to deflecting and blame-throwing over minor anomalies. It should be clear to anyone who has been in such situations that employees will only feel truly empowered to act in the best interest of customers when they are assured of support from their leaders.
What Works?
Customers are often willing to pay at least marginally higher prices for a more satisfying buying experience. An interesting case in point is Lowes Foods, which recently opened a store near my home. This store has been draining the customer base of a nearby low-cost competitor. Their attention to customers far outpaces the other chain, and they keep a much cleaner, more organized store, both of which enhance the experience. Prices are somewhat higher, but many people I know, notably my wife, have abandoned the other store altogether. During recent visits to the competitor in question, I have noticed deliberate efforts to greet customers and offer help. Unfortunately, this comes off as a me-too effort, and seems compulsory rather than sincere.Regarding the often perceived need for over the top attentiveness in retail environments, I usually know what I want, can find it by myself, and don't really want help. That said, I think there is an art to effective greeting and helpfulness. “Welcome to Walmart” is rote, but expected. With the Moe's Southwest Grill chain the “Welcome to Moe's” greeting is somehow a different case. When staff members offer this enthusiastic salute it seems a little cheesy, but sets a warm tone for the visit. Conversely, when the greeting is listless, I tend to feel the employees' implied fatigue and frustration. Fortunately, I can not taste it. The difference tends to come from how managers and team leaders treat the staff. An uncommon case in point is Chick-fil-A restaurants, where the line staff members are consistently friendly and helpful. The managers and team leaders drive this by how they treat the staff — they encourage and coach their teams. They set high expectations, but back it up with their own actions. Such effort more naturally transmits itself to customers.
A noteworthy type of customer experience-enhancing innovation is in the area of retail checkout efficiency. Best Buy is one of my favorites. Their forked line approach seems to move customers quickly and efficiently without sacrificing friendliness. Self-checkout aisles are also excellent examples in this area of innovation. Some people seem to find the technology impersonal, intimidating, or even anti-social, but many others view it as a tool to help them use their time more effectively and to move on to other places and activities that they value. Irrespective of some negative impressions and experiences, the technology is rapidly achieving high levels of acceptance both from retailers and customers. [2]
EarthLink technical support is another good illustration of generating positive experiences. Their live chat staff has impressed me favorably for years. I do not know if the representatives are located predominantly in India, the United States, Antarctica or Mars, but they have always been polite, patient and persistent in helping me to resolve my problems. The combination of knowledge and responsiveness is very powerful for creating an excellent customer experience. On the other hand, my experiences with other software vendors' support lines have ranged from marginal to utter failure. In most cases I have ultimately had to find a solution on my own — not a positive customer experience.
TrapsDealing with difficult customers requires considerable judgment and care. Even with unreasonable customers, there is often a reason they are being so. Reserving judgment and extending extra effort to understand and help can yield long term benefits in such situations. On the other hand, persistent difficulty may provide a clue that it is time to reconsider the value of retaining certain customers.
Complacency is another noteworthy hazard to creating sustained positive customer experience. A sometimes common, but dangerous attitude is embodied in the statement “if the customer didn't fire us, we must have done well.” Merely averting disaster is, by far, not the same as creating satisfaction. It may create a memorable experience, but not necessarily a positive one. Leaders who espouse this attitude invite serious struggles later.The Take-Away
In the long run, excellent customer experience is indeed a profit driver. In the short run, the underlying activities may be costly, but businesses ignore or avoid them at their potential peril. While there are embedded costs within the idea that positive experiences are “free,” the rewards tend to outweigh the effort and cost invested. In addition to these investments, intentionality and consistency are imperative to build and maintain a culture that sustains rewarding customer experiences.
Ron McCulloch is a technical professional-turned-MBA whose roles in energy, manufacturing and the environment have evolved through training and project management roles to product innovation, business development and strategy. Contact McCulloch by calling 919-332-3812, e-mailing or visit
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Household Accessories
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Blended or Faked Memory
This definitely gives me ammo when a customer comes back to me and says "Well, I can get the same flash drive from my other vendor for $2.00 less that what you are selling it for".
I guess it's the olde adage come true...You get what you pay for!
Here is how it works. USB drive manufactures knowingly blend smaller sizes of flash memory into a batch of correctly sized memory. Anywhere from 10% -50% of the memory is blended or faked – it just depends on how greedy the factory is for profit. When the drives are formatted and setup – they are manually configured to report the correct size. So a drive with only 256MB of flash memory will report 1GB (or even larger) of free space. The drive will function properly so long as no more than 256MB of data is written to the drive. Even if more than 256MB of data is written to the drive, the drive will still appear to work. Only when the end user tries to access this data will they run into corruption errors. For most end users – they only use a very small portion of the available space – for these users they would never know the drive was faked. When an end user discovers the problem with the drive, it can be weeks or even months after receiving the drive. Since promotional products are given away “free” as a gift or incentive. If they don’t work properly – most times they just end up in the trash. Unfortunately this reflects negatively on the company that handed out the drives and their company logo becomes associated with something that didn’t work. But for the original factory that built the drive – 99% of the time they will never hear about it because many times these failures go un-reported. Furthermore, even when an incidence of a failed drive does comes up, it is easy to pass off as a standard “failure rate.”
So what can you do to protect yourself?
- Flat out ask for a guarantee from the vendor that the drives do not use blended memory. Surprisingly many vendors will shy away or suddenly raise their prices. We have seen reports where some vendors suddenly say they offer “Professional Grade” and “Consumer Grade” memory. There is no such thing.
- Can your vendor report the brand and model of flash memory they used on your drives? Crack one open and examine the chip and see if it actually matches. Some vendors will report that they only use “Tier 1 or Grade A” memory. Just like before, there is no such thing as grades of memory.
- Know your suppliers. In this stressful economic time, we all get flooded with deals and opportunities that seem too good to be true. If one vendor is 20% cheaper than everyone else – there has to be another reason.
- Does your supplier follow the current market trends? If flash memory prices are going up, are their prices going up as well?
- Test the drives that you get.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Shopping In Peace?...Not today!!

The bag it’s self is HUGE! Really I could fit a small country in this tote…well maybe not but I can get a 2 lb bag of frozen chicken, a 1.5 lit bottle of Pino Grigio, grapes, a canelope, a honey dew melon and a bottled water in this bag!! Which is kind of ironic considering the bag is made from plastic bottles. Seriously I could never fit all of that in a plastic bag nor would I want to try. The handles are long enough where I can throw the bag over my shoulder with no problem.
Here are the specs:
14” W x 16” H x 7.75” D • Laminated 75 and 35 gm/M2 22 needle stitch material • Preprinted pattern with three important enviro messages• This one bags replaces up to four standard sized plastic bags • Two 21” long self material handles • Hangtag attached listing environmental properties • SGS China certified • One of two options in our new jumbo size totes, see NW7048
SP 1C – 9” W x 9” H (back side opposite “I used to be a plastic bottle”)
If your company is looking for a way to get noticed then I would definitely suggest using this bag to get your brand noticed!
E-mail me for more information.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Well, It Makes Sense to Me!
In 1990 when Jiff and Kraft Salad Dressing continued to market and promote their products, experienced a sales growth of 57% for Jiff and 70% for Kraft Salad Dressings!
When you are the only one truly making an effort to keep your brand in eyes and minds of your target market…which do you think the customer will choose? A company who hasn’t advertised in a while or a company who has been blowing up their TV with ads or received a special little something in the mail? Of course the one who has been using their advertising dollars wisely to saturate the market when everyone else has tucked their tails and pray for brand loyalty.
I’m not saying that you should fiscally irresponsible; I’m just saying that you have and advertising and marketing budget use it.
Promotional products are the perfect way to help increase sales for your company. Did you know that if you purchase a promotional product for a trade show/event, mass mailing, or for a general hand out, 62% of your target market will do business with your company.
Having a promotional product that is actually useful and even memorable is the perfect way to increase brand awareness because it will be in front of your customers’ eyes and in their minds. You will receive more of a return on your investment if the promotional item that you choose is practical and not something that will end up in a drawer or worse, the trash can. Knowing who your target market is and really understanding their likes and dislikes is Key! Giving away pens or even lanyards at a Racing event probably won’t have the type of impact that you would be hoping for. But giving away a bandanna with a really cool design, koozie that they can keep around the house, seat cushion or even a specially designed cup will definitely get their attention, because they will use them again!
If you would like help trying to figure out the perfect promotional product for your company in these trying times…just let me know! I’m here to help you make money and not take it! I want your company to grow, so selling you something that will either sit under your desk or in a back closet somewhere, doesn’t do either of us any good!
Friday, April 17, 2009

The illuminating cube is the perfect inexpensive piece that can be used as a tradeshow giveaway or as awareness gift for hospitals and medical facilities. I can even see this used as a promotional gift for a Spa…when the “newly did” (slang for looking absolutely refreshed and beautiful) unsuspecting goregamafied patron makes their next appointment, how cool would it be for them to receive their appointment card that has been inserted into the cube!
It’s new, unique and a great way to keep your brand in your customers face and out of the door!
P.S. for all you MAC users, don’t worry it’s MAC compatible.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Another Way to Think Green!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Resuable Grocery more ways than one!